Our new office: Assistenz Kollektiv Köln e.V. moves to the Alte Feuerwache!

After a long search, we have finally found a new, barrier-free office – in a very special place: the Alte Feuerwache in Cologne’s Agnesviertel! 🎉

The search was anything but easy. Although many properties are advertised as “barrier-free”, some turned out to be inaccessible. We often came across wide doors and barrier-free sanitary facilities – but the elevator was too small for wheelchairs, or the entrance area was only 50 cm wide. Such experiences show: Without involving those affected in the planning, the actual needs are often ignored.

We are therefore all the more pleased to have found a location in the Alte Feuerwache that meets our requirements and at the same time connects us with social, cultural and political initiatives.

So from now on you can find us here:

Old Fire Station Cologne
Melchiorstraße 3 | 50670 Cologne

We look forward to many joint projects and encounters at this new, inspiring location!